Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Full Day...

Some rumblings about this matter of not knowing who or what is on at any given time.

It was a joy to see Rick Merrill not only do his stuff but also talk a little about the routine and where it came from...

Mike Caveney did a great, slide illustrated talk on Eddie "Tex" McGuire.

Joshua Jay introduced Simon Aronson who went through the trick that is in this month's Magic Magazine and then moved onto Rune Klan, Denmark's star comedian but showing some tricks and moves here. He was followed by Joel Givens and Tyler Wilson, two youngsters being talked up as part of the future of magic.

Everyone who comes to conventions does so for varying reasons and therefore the tricks bit of the morning session saw me losing interest. I love watching a skilled magician at work but I am not much interested in the methods or gaffs involved given that I have very little interest at this stage of my life in adding to my playlist of tricks. I eased out before the end and headed for food. So stimulating a discussion was had at lunch that I completly forgot to record the treat (a burger) on camera. Sorry for that.

The afternoon session started with a talk by John Fisher on Cardini and included a showing of that famous Cardini on film.

Then things slowed down a bit when David Parr introduced the idea of building a "community" of magicians by having them get together, watch each other perform a routine they are working on and then give constructive criticism of each piece in the form of written comments. Some magicians (including Mac King) put themselves forward for this and did a "work in progress" piece and invited written comments. Cards for these comments were included in the "Goody Bag". I wandered out before the last volunteers had been called, had some chats with people outside and came in again when I heard Gaeton Bloom was on. On discovering he was giving a talk on being "creative" I slipped away again given that I start at such a low level on this subject that any instruction now would be a waste of time!

I went and had a nap and apparently missed the best talk of the day. I wasn't the only one and so irritated were some of these "victims" of the system that they have decided not to make a special effort to get up at the (unearthly) start time of 9.30am tomorrow...

I will wait and see what time my somewhat confused body clock brings me into the land of the awakened ones.

The evening shows, the "No Show" and the "Flicking Fingers" will be written about later... (probably)


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