Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Email to the wonderful Novotel, St Pancras

Dear Novotel,

I would like to register my considered complaint regarding the behaviour of you duty manager at the Novotel, St Pancras on Nov 30th who, rather than talking to me about a problem I could have helped with, called the police.

I do not blame her or any of her staff on the night.

I blame the management structure and training system of your company which resulted in giving this manager a position with which she was not able to cope. This resulted in people who had popped outside for a cigarette being refused re-entry to finish their recently purchased drinks or picking up their coats and belongings.


A university professor, one of London's leading actors and international celebrities such as Uri Gellar not allowed back into your hotel...


What do you think?


Editor, Opus Magazine.


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